What is the Difference Between a Healthcare Power of Attorney and a Durable Power of Attorney?

These two documents are used for decidedly different purposes all together. A Power of Attorney for Healthcare (often called an ‘Advanced Healthcare Directive’ or a ‘Living Will’) covers a separate series of issues versus a Durable Power of Attorney.

A Power of Attorney for Health Care is included within Standard Legal’s Living Will legal forms software package. The Power of Attorney for Health Care provides the choice of when the authority of the Attorney in Fact becomes effective — either when the document is signed or when a physician determines that the principal is unable to make his/her own healthcare decisions.

A Durable Power of Attorney is used to designate an Attorney-in-Fact to conduct the business of the maker. It is in effect when it is signed, can be revoked at any time, can be limited to specific business or all business of the maker, and does not preclude the maker from conducting business directly. See Standard Legal’s Power of Attorney legal forms software package for this type of document.